Watershed Environmental

The leading provider of GIS, biological consulting, and environmental planning in California's Ventura, Santa Barbara, and San Luis Obispo counties. Our reputation is built on innovative solutions to today's complex environmental and regulatory problems.


Federal Wetland Delineation Map. Click for larger view.

Federal Wetland Delineation Map. Click for larger view.

Why you need wetland delineation

  • To determine boundaries of Army Corps of Engineers jurisdictional wetlands and Waters of the US
  • California Department of Fish and Game Wetlands determination
  • ACOE, CDFG, and Regional Water Quality Control Board permitting and permit applications

How we can help

  • Preparation of wetland delineation reports
  • Jurisdictional boundary maps
  • Permit acquisition
  • Agency coordination

805.876.5004 | 3324 State Street, Suite B, Santa Barbara, CA93015